Adolf Frohner (12 March 1934 ? 24 January 2007)

1934 12 March ? born in Gross-Inzersdorfff, Lower Austria
1946 Attended Gymnasium des Zisterzienserstifts in Zwettl
1948 Attended Piaristengymnasium in Krems (until 1952)
1952 Moved to Vienna
1953 Attended a commercial advertising college (until 1955)
1954 Guest student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Herbert Boeckl?s evening nude drawing class
1955 Commercial artist at Verband der Elektrizitätswerke (until 1959); following self-taught works influenced by Paul Cezanne, Pablo Picasso, Juan Gris, Fernand Leger, Oskar Schlemmer and Paul Klee, Frohner shifted to gesticulative abstract painting, Tachism and action painting
1959 Art reviewer for two ideologically opposed newspapers: Volksblatt and Volkssstimme, in the latter under the pen name Georg Hart
1961 Freelance painter and graphic artist; UNESCO grant for Paris arranged by Herbert Boeckl, where Frohner contacted the Nouveaux Réalistes group surrounding Pierre Restan
1962 Walled in for three days with Otto Muehl and Hermann Nitsch, causing problems with the authorities and private individuals and marking the start of Viennese Actionism; thereafter Frohner refused any kind of bourgeois profession
1964 Commission by the City of Vienna for sixteen graffiti surfaces for a municipal apartment building in Vienna
1967 Participation in Biennale des Jeunes Artistes in Paris (together with Walter Pichler and Richard Kriesche); after Frohner dedicated Die Flucht to Jean Dubuffet, the two met for the first time; intensive correspondence and numerous visits followed
1969 Participation in the Biennale in São Paulo to great international acclaim
1970 Solo exhibition at the Biennale in Venice (twenty-one large oil paintings); start of cooperation with renowned galleries
1972 Appointment as extraordinary professor for nude drawing at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna; resignation from Secession artists? association and president of the newly founded Counter-Secession, which was subsequently dissolved by the authorities for being completely inactive and failing to reply to official letters
1976 Ordinary professor at the University of Applied Arts; representative for art in the ORF Listeners? and Viewers? Association (until 1980); commission for two murals for the Vienna International Centre (UNO City); visit to Guyla Halász Brassaï in Paris
1979 Head of General Art Theory and Art Education Department of the University of Applied Arts (until 1981)
1985 Painting master class at the University of Applied Arts
1987 Head of the Visual Arts Department at the University of Applied Arts (until 1999)
1989 Deputy rector of the University of Applied Arts (until 1991)
1990 Public commission for a fountain in front of the Bundesamtsgebäude in the 19th district of Vienna
1993 Commission by Wiener Linien to design a 40-metre wall in the underground passage at the Westbahnhof in Vienna: 55 Schritte durch Europa
1995 Mural at Vienna International Airport: Der ewige Traum vom Menschen
1996 Prorector of the University of Applied Arts
1998 Ordinary professor for painting at the University of Applied Arts
1999 Head of the Institute of Visual Arts at the University of Applied Arts (until 2004)
2002 Emeritus professor and head of the Institute of Visual Arts at the University of Applied Arts; in this position he continued his master class for painting for a further three years (until 2005)
2007 19 January: ground-breaking ceremony together with Lower Austria governor Erwin Pröll for new Forum Frohner within the refurbished Stein Minorite Church in Krems; 24 January: Frohner died suddenly and completely unexpectedly; 29 September: opening of Forum Frohner in former Stein Minorite Church
2009 15 June: founding of Adolf Frohner gemeinnützigen Privatstiftung

Exhibitions (selection)

1967 Biennale des Jeunes Artistes in Paris
1969 Austrian representative at Biennale de São Paulo
1970 Solo exhibition at Biennale di Venezia
1985 Triennal of Realistic Art, Sofia
1992 "Wiener Madln?, Galerie Menotti, Baden
1997 Galerie Raab, Berlin; Halle K, Hamburg; Frauenburg, Baden bei Wien; Max Planck Institute, Munich
1998 Galerie Sikoronja, Rosegg; Cselly-Mühle, Oslip; Kleiner Kunstpalast, Merano
1999 Schloss Ulmerfeld, Lower Austria; Galerie Medium, Bratislava 2000 Puppentheatertage, Mistelbach
2001 Kunstforum, Vienna; Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal; Landesmuseum Schleswig-Holstein; ORF-Landesstudio Niederösterreich; Galerie Wellinger, Salzburg; Galerie am Stein, Schärding; Galerie Hofstätter, Vienna
2002 Schloss Gabelhofen, Fohnsdorf; Galerie Eberstaller, Gols
2003 Galerie Glacis, Graz; Galerie 12, Innsbruck; Galerie Fichtegasse 1, Vienna; Kulturkreis Burgenland, Rust
2004 "Adolf Frohner ? 1958?2002", NÖ Landesmuseum, St. Pölten
2007 "Hommage an Adolf Frohner?, Lentos, Linz; grenzArt, Hollabrunn; Forum Frohner, Krems
2008 "Dem Bild die Gedärme herausreißen", Forum Frohner, Krems; Nach 1970. Österreichische Kunst aus der Albertina, Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna
2009 "Chili con Carne. Frohner und seine Schüler/innen", Forum Frohner, Krems; "Schönheit des Hässlichen", Forum Frohner, Krems; "Die 50er Jahre: Kunst und Kunstverständnis in Wien?, MUSA, Vienna
2010 "Vagabundierende Gedanken?, Forum Frohner, Krems; Kleine Galerie, Vienna; "CORSO. Werke der Sammlung Essl im Dialog", Sammlung Essl, Klosterneuburg; "Direct Art: Wiener Aktionismus?, MUMOK, Vienna; "Les Femmes fatales", Forum Frohner, Krems; "Bacchus", Forum Frohner, Krems; "Ich ist ein anderer ? Die Kunst der Selbstdarstellung", Niederösterreichisches Landesmuseum, St. Pölten
2011 "Wilde Zeichen. Graffiti in der Kunst", Forum Frohner, Krems;

Liste ausgewählter Einzelausstellungen und Ausstellungsbeteiligungen

1967 Biennale des Jeunes Artistes in Paris
1969 Vertreter Österreichs bei der Biennale de São Paulo
1970 Personale auf der Biennale di Venezia
1985 Triennale realistischer Kunst, Sofia
1992 "Wiener Madln", Galerie Menotti, Baden
1997 Galerie Raab, Berlin; Halle K, Hamburg; Frauenburg, Baden bei Wien; Max-Planck-Institut, München
1998 Galerie Sikoronja, Rosegg; Cselly-Mühle, Oslip; Kleiner Kunstpalast, Meran
1999 Schloss Ulmerfeld, Niederösterreich; Galerie Medium, Bratislava 2000 Puppentheatertage, Mistelbach
2001 Kunstforum, Wien; Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal; Landesmuseum Schleswig-Holstein; ORF-Landesstudio Niederösterreich; Galerie Wellinger, Salzburg; Galerie am Stein, Schärding; Galerie Hofstätter, Wien
2002 Schloss Gabelhofen, Fohnsdorf; Galerie Eberstaller, Gols
2003 Galerie Glacis, Graz; Galerie 12, Innsbruck; Galerie Fichtegasse 1, Wien; Kulturkreis Burgenland, Rust
2004 "Adolf Frohner - 1958-2002", NÖ Landesmuseum, St. Pölten
2007 "Hommage an Adolf Frohner", Lentos, Linz; grenzArt, Hollabrunn, Forum Frohner, Krems
2008 "Dem Bild die Gedärme herausreißen", Forum Frohner, Krems; Nach 1970. Österreichische Kunst aus der Albertina, Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Wien
2009 "Chili con Carne. Frohner und seine Schüler/innen", Forum Frohner, Krems; "Schönheit des Hässlichen", Forum Frohner, Krems; "Die 50er Jahre: Kunst und Kunstverständnis in Wien, MUSA, Wien
2010 "Vagabundierende Gedanken", Forum Frohner, Krems; Kleine Galerie, Wien; "CORSO. Werke aus der Sammlung", Sammlung Essl, Klosterneuburg; "Direct Art: Wiener Aktionismus", mumok, Wien; "Les femmes fatales", Forum Frohner, Krems; "Bacchus", Forum Frohner, Krems; "Ich ist ein anderer? Die Kunst der Selbstdarstellung", Niederösterreichisches Landesmuseum, St. Pölten
2011 "Wilde Zeichen. Graffiti in der Kunst", Forum Frohner, Krems
2014 "Adolf Frohner (1934-2007). Fünf Jahrzehnte Malerei, Grafik, Objekt", Forum Frohner, Krems und Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg